Don’t you feel like the studying is never done?

For all of those who don’t want to spend their entire academic career in the library and would like to at least attempt a social life, there is hope. There is a way for you to get the best marks you have had yet without becoming a college caveman.

We are telling you to spend less time studying- that wasn’t a typo. There are strategies that you can use to study “smarter”, meaning that you get more accomplished in a shorter amount of time.

Check Out Our Top 8 Tips For Studying Smart

1. Take Good Notes

Take notes that work for you- invest some time to figure out which technique works best for your learning style. After class is over, add notes from the textbook or additional research that you found to be important or relevant. Compare your notes with a friend’s notes and see how they differ. Did something resonate with them that you thought was just a slight detail? Getting a different perspective on the same topic can be very valuable.

2. Write What you Know

When you begin studying, try the following method. Read over a section of your notes, cover it so that you can’t peek, and try rewriting what you just read. Now you will know what stuck with you from the content that you reviewed. Once you are done testing yourself, unveil the reviewed section and compare it with what you wrote. Did you miss anything important? Understand a concept incorrectly?

3. Teach What you Know

If you are able to teach or explain something to someone, you most likely know and understand the concept. Once you feel like you are 80% ready to pass your test or exam, get someone that you can “teach” to listen to your explanations.

4. Unplug yourself

To really focus on studying and to get the greatest amount done in the shortest amount of time, you need to be focused. That means no phones, no YouTube Videos, no emails. If you find music distracting, turn that off as well. Discover what environment you can focus best in, and recreate it every time you have to study.

5. Sleep!

While all your friends are panicking and pulling “all-nighters”, ensure that you’re getting at least 8 hours of sleeps. Studies have shown that getting a full night’s sleep is essential to maintaining your focus and keeping your brain in it’s best shape. Study the most challenging material before bed, it will be easier for you to recollect the next day.

6. Study to Learn, Not to Pass

When your focus is on actually learning what you are studying, you are likely to learn it more quickly and remember it for longer than when your focus is just on passing that exam. Reprogram the way that you think so that your goal is to learn as much as possible, not just know enough to do well on the exam.

7. Study in Sessions

Studying for hours and hours on end will not get you where you want to be in terms of study progress. Study in “sessions” that aren’t longer than 45 minutes. Reward yourself with a fun or relaxing activity between sessions. Once you have a few done, why don’t you reward the hard work you put in with some down time at the Stadium? All of the activities we have, be it laser tag, archery tag, virtual reality games or indoor soccer, get you away from your desk and moving.

8. Exercise

Exercising has a plethora of benefits, many of which extend to studying and academic goals. Regular exercise reduces stress, improves concentration, and improves brain function among other benefits. These directly impact on the quality of your studying, so make sure to fit in at least 3 exercise sessions a week. Join our in-house gym for a traditional workout or play a game of indoor soccer for some more social interaction. If it’s adrenaline you’re after, book a session of laser tag or archery tag- it’s sure to get your heart pounding from excitement!

Don’t be that nerd that is constantly studying! Learn to study smart and you won’t have to sacrifice fun time with your friends in order to do well in school!


The Stadium wishes you good luck on your exams! We’ll see you soon!

What The Stadium Can Do For You


Exercise Your Body As Well As Your Brain

  • Join our in-house gym for a traditional workout or play a game of indoor soccer for some more social interaction. If it’s adrenaline you’re after, book a session of laser tag or archery tag- it’s sure to get your heart pounding from excitement!